Ensuring the Right Guardianship for Your Loved OnesGuardianship Applications

Estate Law Ottawa

What Are Guardianship Applications?

We understand that guardianship decisions are deeply personal and can be emotionally challenging. When a loved one becomes mentally incapable of managing their property or finances, obtaining legal guardianship can ensure their well-being and financial security. Our firm provides professional guidance through the legal process of applying for guardianship, helping you manage your loved one’s assets, income, and financial affairs with the highest level of care.

Guardianship applications are legal proceedings that appoint an individual to make financial decisions on behalf of an incapable person who is no longer able to manage their own affairs. This might involve decisions about the person’s property, finances, and investments. There are two main ways to obtain guardianship in Ontario:

Through the Court: You can apply to the Ontario Superior Court of Justice to be appointed as a guardian if the person is mentally incapable.

Replacing the Public Guardian and Trustee (PGT): If the PGT is already acting as a guardian, a family member or spouse can apply to replace them as the private guardian of the person’s property.

Guardianship involves significant responsibility and requires regular reporting to the court or the PGT to ensure that the individual’s property is being managed properly.

Estate law
What to Expect When Working With Us

When you come to us for guardianship application services, we start by evaluating the circumstances of your loved one’s incapacity. We will explain the process of applying for guardianship, whether through the courts or by replacing the PGT, and guide you in gathering the necessary medical and financial documents.

Throughout the process, we will:

  1. Assess Eligibility: Review your relationship with the incapable person to determine whether you are eligible to apply for guardianship.
  2. Prepare the Application: Help you gather the required documentation, including medical assessments and financial records, to support your guardianship application.
  3. File Court Documents: Ensure that all legal documents are correctly completed and filed with the Ontario Superior Court of Justice or the PGT.
  4. Ongoing Guardianship Responsibilities: Once guardianship is granted, we will guide you on your legal obligations, including financial reporting and property management.
Benefits of Guardianship Application Services

Guardianship provides peace of mind by ensuring that your loved one’s property and financial affairs are properly managed when they are no longer able to do so themselves. By working with us, you can be confident that the legal process is handled correctly and efficiently, minimizing stress during an already challenging time. Our team will help ensure that the guardianship arrangement is in the best interest of your loved one, reducing the risk of disputes or errors in property management.

Why Choose
  • Experienced Guardianship Guidance:
    Jonathan Solomon’s extensive experience in guardianship law ensures that your application is handled with care, from start to finish.

  • Personalized Support:
    We understand that every family situation is unique. We offer personalized guidance and practical solutions tailored to your specific needs and those of your loved ones.

  • Attention to Detail:
    Guardianship applications involve complex legal and medical documentation. We ensure that everything is done correctly and promptly, helping you avoid unnecessary delays or complications.

  • Compassionate Service:
    We approach every case with empathy, understanding the emotional toll that guardianship decisions can take on families. We aim to make the legal process as smooth and stress-free as possible.

Guardianship Applications Intake Form

To help us understand your guardianship needs, please fill out the form below with the details of your situation. This will allow us to provide the legal guidance necessary to support your application.

(613) 440-7400